Seasons Greetings!

As the year draws to a close and families gather around the Christmas tree, I have abandoned writing for the last remaining days of the year. Instead, I thought to wish all you fantasy lovers out there a wonderful festive season and a joyous Christmas.

Ever since I was a young child, I loved writing quirky, silly poems. Judge me as you will, but they amuse me greatly and give voice to my other side that wishes our world was a little less mundane and had dragons in it.

Here I offer you a festive poem as a gift from my ‘Love Fantasy’ collection:

Upon winter’s breath, they come unseen,

The monsters long resigned to dreams.

From winter’s ice, they rise to stalk,

Dark nights, cold hearts and weary folk.

And deep inside the forest’s maw,

Lurk wondrous creatures born of lore.

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